Sunday, 23 December 2012

Merry Christmas from Bhuna and other updates

Bloody hell, it's been ages since I updated my blog. I've been busy illustrating a 2 page Spencer Nero story for Paragon Comics which will be out next year. Make sure you buy a copy. Here's a taster of what's to come.

The Ruthless Rhymer and one of his victims

Probably to most normal scene I've ever drawn

Now that's been sent for lettering it's freed me up to enter the yearly 2000ad forum advent calender. Have a look here and see what a bunch of talented bastards they all are. It's not 2000ad related, but what the hell.

From left to right: Dirk Van Dom, Cruz, Tucker and yours truly

And here's a picture of Nightcrawler for this months Stockport Comic Collective blog which will be updated at the end of the month.

Now that my 'drawing board' is clear, I'll be working on 'Killing Moon' for Pigdog Press. (which is me by the way but it sounds good!) I'm just waiting for the script for issue one to be finished. I'll be posting up the concepts and taster pics at the in a months or so.